Games in alphabetical order

Warm up games

Advertise effectively!

Increasing the number of attractive ornaments increases the chance of being chosen as a mating partner, but decreases the number of offspring. How costly signals should we choose to achieve the highest fitness?

The Climate game

To avoid the climate catastrophe, we need continuous investment from all participants. But will there be enough investors, if success and failure threatens everyone equally?

The common GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY

Players form small communities that may exploit a common local resource. The aim is to achieve optimal management and sustainable consumption and to avoid overexploitation.

Coordination and cooperation

Which hunting team should you join if you don't know what the others will decide? And, if we can somehow signal our intention to join, will the hunt be more successful?

DIY normal distribution

Short description: In nature, several phenomena show normal or Gaussian distribution. In this game we will simulate such a phenomenon and show how the corresponding normally distributed dataset could appear.

Feral arrangement

Rapid “arrangement” tasks related to the introduction of taxonomy, adaptation to the environment, and other evolutionary topics.

Hawthorn or blackthorn?

We are birds living in an Autumn forest. We can eat hawthorn or blackthorn, but hawthorn is more nutrient-rich than blackthorn. However, if everybody eats hawthorn then only some remain for us. Then what should we eat, hawthorn or blackthorn?

Playful pandemic

This game shows the course of an epidemic, using examples of real pathogens. There are numerous versions of this game with aggressive, mild, latent and mutable pathogens, fast and slow epidemics, in a changing and steady environment.

Prince or dragon?

It is good to be a prince if the opponent is a dragon, and it is better to be a dragon than a prince if the opponent is a prince. However, if two dragons or two princes meet, that is really bad. What should I do then? Be a prince or a dragon?

Rock-paper-scissors, but in another way

Because of the circular winning rule in the rock-paper-scissors game, those cards which are relatively rare will increase in number in the next round. Thus all cards remain in the game for a long time, except if one of them disappears because of random effects. Then only one type of card remains.

Runaway and catch up

Parasites infect hosts, but it does matter which genes have the host and which genes are in the parasite. The host runs away but the parasite catches it up. But if the host is lucky she can allude again, but only temporarily.

Save the Frog!

Frogs need to get from the woods to the lake, but for this they have to cross a road with heavy traffic.

The struggle of Mutants

The ideas of participants are in a competition as if they were genetic variants, and if you play long enough, selection will favour some, and disfavour other variants.

The tireless pollinators

Players are representing different pollinators, and thus they can understand the ecological importance of pollination.

We are cavemen (We are hunter-gatherers)

We are members of a hunter-gatherer group. We have to solve time-consuming, costly, or even dangerous tasks, for the benefit of the group. The tasks are costly, and need several volunteers, but the benefit is shared among everybody in the group. Will there be enough volunteers? Who will be the winner? Does the picture change if there are more groups and the winner is the group that collects the most points per member?

We are only drifting

The game shows how different genes can disappear from the population merely because of random effects. We demonstrate that smaller the population, faster the gene loss.

Vaccination game

Vaccination is voluntary, each of us decide on our own whether to vaccinate ourselves or not. But will there be enough people vaccinated?

Who is the winner, who is the proper?

You can only win if you are greedy. However, if everybody is greedy then nobody wins at the end. How can we solve this discrepancy?

Where does the evolution go?

Listen, then whisper the heard sentence to your neighbour’s ear! Where did we start from, and where did we arrive to? What happens if we change the sentence transfer rules?