Runaway and catch up

Author: István Scheuring

Recommended age: 10-99

Number of players: 20-40

Space needed for the game: large enough for players to move freely

Difficulty level: 1

Playing time: 10 minutes

Preparation time: 5-10 minutes


Short description: Parasites infect hosts, but it does matter which genes have the host and which genes are in the parasite. The host runs away but the parasite catches it up. But if the host is lucky she can allude again, but only temporarily.

Preparations: Small cards, one for each player. Half of the cards are host cards, the other half are parasite cards. Each card has the same figure on both sides, but in different colours. We can use e.g. these figures after printing them and glueing them together:

Course of the game:

Biological background:
